reunion 1980


Our alumnae/i remain connected to Bryn Mawr College in a variety of ways, from traditional events to online communities. We encourage you to explore this web presence — you might find opportunities and resources that surprise you!

Ways to Connect

Trees with gold leaves and a student

Events and Programs

On campus and around the globe, the College and Alumnae/i Relations and Development host gatherings with alumnae/i, faculty, and students and sponsor programs to expand your horizons.

Taylor Hall

News and Publications

College leadership communicates with students, faculty, and staff on campus throughout the year. Alumnae/i Relations and Development will share messages with our alumnae/i community in this space.

flowers on campus

Services and Benefits

As your life unfolds, your needs are sure to change. Bryn Mawr offers a variety of services to help you navigate the road.


Alumnae Association

Our mission is to support alumnae as they continue to transform throughout their lives, connecting them to the College and Bryn Mawr community, while enlisting their talents and encouraging their generosity in support of the College.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Alumnae/i Relations and Development, in partnership with alumnae/i volunteers, aims to instill a sense of welcome and belonging within the alumnae/i network. 

Cherry Blossoms Bryn Mawr Flag

Update Your Information

If you have moved, started a new job, changed your email address, and more, update your information today!

Row of cherry blossom trees with three students walking in between

Clubs and Regional Groups

The overarching goal of Bryn Mawr Clubs is to connect alumnae/i within a defined geographic area to each other and to the College.

Empty chair in a grass field looking over a sunset.


Graduates Of the Last Decade (GOLD) alumnae/i make up almost one-fourth of Bryn Mawr's total alumnae/i base and represent the next generation of College leaders, volunteers, and supporters. 

Bryn Mawr Collge Summer 2021

Affinity Programs

With the support of the Alumnae Relations and Development Office, alumnae/i have organized a number of affinity groups. Come explore the options!

Submit Class Notes

Submit your news to the Alumnae Bulletin.


Contact Us

Alumnae/i Relations and Development

101 North Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Phone: 610-526-5532
Fax: 610-526-5228